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Fuel Transfer Cask

Convoy Logistics Providers Ltd. (CLP) completed the delivery of the first of 3 major components for the new Central Storage Facility for Spent Nuclear Fuel (CSFSF) in Ukraine.   CLP partnered with fellow PLA member Farcont Project to provide and support the need for destination services.


CLP has been awarded this 3-year project on the heels of the near completion of a previous project, Interim Spent Fuel storage facility (ISF-2) which will house more than 20,000 spent fuel assemblies discharged from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.  CLP researched and implemented the logistics solution for the transport of storage cask assemblies and ancillaries from USA to Ukraine with the support of Farcont Project since 2015.


After extensive research and planning CLP arranged the transport of this first transfer cask from USEC to meet a vessel during the turbulent hurricane season.  Traveling over 700 miles from the origin factory, this super-load had to avoid severe weather at times and at times had to wait out flooded highways and streets to be cleared. Origin inland delivery faced many delays due to multiple hurricanes battering the US Gulf and east-coast and the intended vessel was diverted and a second/alternate vessel was sourced. In the end, cargo was loaded, and CLP project managers were in attendance at both origin facility and port of loading working closely with the shipper, port and vessel owner to ensure all aspects of the lifting, loading and lashing were accomplished to meet vessel owner and clients’ requirements and specifications.


At the same time, CLP had already been in the process of delivering multiple smaller casks and ancillary equipment from USA for the same project with support of Farcont Project for destination services. These also faced delays due to the lengthy permitting process.  These smaller shipments of equipment had to be installed with this cask, for testing prior to the final installation and arrival of larger cargo (Spent Fuel Transfer Cask).  Despite these challenges, CLP and Farcont Project overcame the tight transport schedules.  Marine Surveyors were present at the port of discharge during vessel operations and the Transfer Cask was delivered direct from the vessel at the port of Chornomorsk, Ukraine together with other relevant cargo in time for the scheduled testing and press conferences at site.

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